This is a crude, digital facsimile of the Still e.p.
by Small Awesome.The limited-run, hand-made CDs with machine-cut, hand-silk-screened (thank you, Night Owls Print Shop) aircraft-grade aluminum covers and hand-cut false-metal tray cards are available from the band. write faiz@stockyardinstitute.org for details.
release 05/03/12
the STILL e.p.
Written and played by SMALL AWESOME
Faiz Razi (throat, guitar)
Jim MacGregor (bass)
Recorded and mixed by Matt Engstrom
with Vanessa Smetkowski (cello)
and Jim Birch (love)
at CaffeinatedRecordings.com, 2009-2011
released 03 May 2012
[wp_bandcamp_player type=”album” id=”3972605101″ size=”grande” bg_color=”#FFFFFF” link_color=”#4285BB”]
This is a crude, digital facsimile of the Awesome e.p. by Small Awesome.
- The limited-run, hand-made, hand-spray-painted CDs (thank you, Beth Wiedner) with hand-cut, hand-silk-screened wood covers (thank you, Jay Ryan) and hand-cut wood-grain tray cards are available from the band.
- write faiz@stockyardinstitute.org for details.
- credits
- released April 15th, 2011
the AWESOME e.p.Written and played by SMALL AWESOME
Faiz Razi (throat, ukulele, guitar)
Jim MacGregor (bass, guitar)Recorded and mixed by Matt Engstrom
with John Barlow (lap steel)
and Jim Birch/Vanessa Smetkowski (love)
at Caffeinated Recordings, 2009-2011***********************************************
A Review from Forest Roxx’ site:
“this little thing? it’s fucking golden. it’s so subtle. so smackdown sweet. this record. by way of reference. my first and immediate and only analogue for this upon initial hearing was goosebumps and the serpentine similar (which ranks right up there for me) [is it “serpentine” or “serpenteen?”]. but that’s relatively irrelevant. this stands (on four legs) via it’s own perfectly realized vision of ms. merit. someone should point out that this party is a duo. PS: they also put on one smoking show, should you ever be in town, when they are on stage.”