32. It So

Heads-up! In our modest celebration of Halloweek, Small Awesome is proud to present the new video for our song, “It So” from our old release, the Still E.P. The video was filmed by Beth Wiedner, Faiz Razi and Jim MacGregor. The song, “It So” was recorded by Matt Engstrom at Caffeinated Recordings. Enjoy!

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31. Still Breathing

Photo by Liz Bustamante

Dear folks,
After a year out working on a new record,
we are back on the fine stage at Schuba’s.
with Breathe Owl Breathe and Coins
Wednesday August 12th, 9pm 21+
owl breathe
see you there!

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30. Tens

I woke up wearing only this shirt, if that's disturbing enough for you

I woke up wearing only this shirt, if that’s disturbing enough for you

Dear Jim and Matt,
Dudes, I’m totally sorry I slept through the morning when we were scheduled to mix the new record, Still Awesome at my place the other day.  I’m also sorry that I kept you guys waiting outside for approximately seventy minutes while I got my beauty sleep.
When I did get up, we did do a really smashing job of mixing the new record, Still Awesome, and it sounds better than anything I’ve ever done, and you guys are the best around.
If a picture can tell a story, allow me to provide these screenshots from my phone showing the texts and missed calls, etc. There’s a choice one from Bradley R. Weissenberger in there that also made my day:
phone quilt

Lastly, if I may draw attention to the excellent photo Jim took of our illustrious engineer, Mr. Matt Engstrom shown here on the right, let it be noted that the brand of monitors we used was “T’Annoy”.


You dudes are the best dudes.



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29. Breech Born

breech cover

Here is the new Small Awesome demo, entitled “Breech Born”, which was composed and scored for Faiz’ “Sound Theory and Practice” class at Columbia. To quote Jim: “If I understand this correctly, you have to zippity-do-dah a song to gain favor with your educational overlords, and wish this “piece” to be considered canonically Small Awesome?”

Naturally.  Enjoy!

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28. Still…in 3D!

still low resAhoy! Been working on some potential artwork prototypes for our new record, Still Awesome. I’ve been taking a 3D printing course over at Columbia as part of my degree, and rendered the above PLA plastic with a makerbot2.  It’s pretty cool.  Had to pull the image and the typeface into a couple different programs and then render it:
meet yr maker
raft and boat
Super dumb, super fun.  I also got to present it as my final project for a critique and got some great feedback (the non-musical kind). Cheers to Lilli Kayes for the photos below:
still classy

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27. Without pity…

bustamante photo
the 2014 PRF BBQ was tremendous.

Special love to our musical guests, Messrs. Ike Turner on hi-hat
and Brent Mix on baritone saxophone. Salut!
Photo by Liz Bustamante, Poster by Jay Ryan

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26. O’er Dub

As we move closer towards the completion of our second record, Still Awesome, some finesse and finagling is required.  We just knocked out some lovely guitar overdubs at Razi Manor with the unbeatable Matt Engstrom.  Thank you again, sir!
dub dub
We’ve got some great news on the upcoming release of the record, but we’re going to keep it on the hush until the t’s are dotted and the i’s are crossed.

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25. Lake of Fake

Photo by Jodi Shapiro
Ahoy! Small Awesome is pleased to announce our first vinyl appearance on the Lake of Fake compilation Q6. Lake of Fake PRF Quarter 6 is a six song EP released on 45rpm vinyl. The EP is part of an eight record subscriber only series with 48 bands contributing music. We’re in some excellent company with the Gary (TX), Walking Shadow (NY), Police Teeth (WA), Half Mile Fox Fur (TX) and Blood Sucking Fiends (PA)

Our song, “Worship” is the lead-off track and can be heard here:

“Worship” Writ and Circumscribed by Small Awesome
Captured and affixed by Matt Engstrom
by the grace of Caffeinated Recordings.
from Lake of Fake – PRF Singles Club Q6, released 04 April 2014
Faiz Razi (gullet, gossamer), Jim MacGregor (counterpoint).

Front Cover is “Headphone Girl” by Ace.
Back Cover is “The Last Days of Primeburger” by Jodi Shapiro,
New York City, May 24th 2012
Obi by Hench with tweaking by notimeforlove.
Logo by Sleepkid
Cover printed by Imprint.
Insert printed by Enframing Press.
Mastered by Chris Goosman at www.baselineaudio.com
Records pressed by Gotta Groove.

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24. Reelsounds

Hey! We recorded nine songs at Reelsounds in Skokie with Mouse and Matt.  It was tremendous.  Still exhausted and exhilarated, but here’s batch one of our photos:

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23. 35:35

Ahoy! We are recording a new record.  It will also be called Still Awesome.
I put together this 35:35 playlist of some things we’ve had knocking around, and thought you might enjoy it.
Plays well in a loop, and you can download it for free if you set your price at $0:

Rehearsals, live versions, studio outtakes and demos.
Songs all on one track for your inconvenience.
Enjoy!Worship (auktoberfyst)
Apparitions (version 4)
Denominal I edit (version 2)
Sold You Out (rough oct)
Dro(w)ned part B (version 1)
dies irae (solo)
Black Sea of Trees (caff IV)
And the Sons (version 2)
Rats & Creeps (version 4)
Tooos (auk)
Hopey Birthday (auk)


released 19 July 2013
Mostly recorded by Matt Engstrom
with Jim Birch of Caffeinated RecordingsMuch recorded by Jim Macgregor
One thing recorded by Faiz RaziCheers!
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