Ahoy! We are recording a new record. It will also be called Still Awesome.
I put together this 35:35 playlist of some things we’ve had knocking around, and thought you might enjoy it.
Plays well in a loop, and you can download it for free if you set your price at $0:

Rehearsals, live versions, studio outtakes and demos.
Songs all on one track for your inconvenience.
Enjoy!Worship (auktoberfyst)
Apparitions (version 4)
Denominal I edit (version 2)
Sold You Out (rough oct)
Dro(w)ned part B (version 1)
dies irae (solo)
Black Sea of Trees (caff IV)
And the Sons (version 2)
Rats & Creeps (version 4)
Tooos (auk)
Hopey Birthday (auk)
released 19 July 2013
Mostly recorded by Matt Engstrom
with Jim Birch of Caffeinated RecordingsMuch recorded by Jim Macgregor
One thing recorded by Faiz RaziCheers!
Mostly recorded by Matt Engstrom
with Jim Birch of Caffeinated RecordingsMuch recorded by Jim Macgregor
One thing recorded by Faiz RaziCheers!